The Capital City Of Ethiopia
"Addis Ababa City Administration
Culture and Tourism Bureau“
Tourism contributes the highest share to the global economy. Tourism is of many kinds depending upon the objective, some of the categories which are mostly considered as purpose of the visits to other countries have been naturally beauty, cultural diversity, religious attachment, archeological sites, adventure places and excursion. Not only all these categories but also much wonder and historic route attracting visitors to Addis Ababa.
Our goal is to make Addis Ababa one of the top 5 Favorite Tourist Destination and Cultural Cities in Africa by creating a society that is supportive, beneficiary and responsible for its culture, nature and historical treasures.
Our Mission is creating a generation who loves, protects and develops the city's cultural, natural and historical heritages and using culture and art as a major development tool to promote tourist destination and benefiting the society from it.
The Ethiopian government has removed constraints relating to visa and customs regulations, which will liberalize and facilitate growth in Ethiopian’s tourism sector; Addis Ababa culture and tourism bureaus works closely with regional bureaus, tour operators, associations, hotel associations and others.
The county is known for its hospitality and warm welcome for any visitor. Recently, the hospitality sector has remarkable improved. More investment and training is needed for the betterment of the sector.