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  • Taeka Negest Beata LeMariam and Debre Menkerat Seel Bet Kidane Meheret Church

Taeka Negest Beata LeMariam and Debre Menkerat Seel Bet Kidane Meheret Church

The first church with a circular plan was built at the turn of the century covering Emperor Menelik II's tomb, as a mausoleum on his memorial.

. In 1927 during the regime of Emperor Haile Selassie I, a large building featuring eclectic style elements was added to the right side, the works being conducted under the supervision of the German Engineer and Architect Carl Haertel. It resembles neo-baroque European churches style. The church has four entrances above each exits a fresco depiciting some historical events. In 1929, the patriarch of Alexandria came here for the first time in the history of Ethiopian Ortodox Church. There is also another church, St. Kidane Meheret Church in the compound. This church was ordered to be built by Emperor Menilik II and Empress Tayitu to be used to present spiritual service at the night. Later in 1889 it became to be known as Seel Bet Kidane Meheret and used by the nobility and the people for common prayer. It is located at Arat Kilo next to Menber Mengest St. Gebriel Church.