St. Selassie/Holy Trinity Cathedral
Holy Trinity Cathedral is established during the reign of Emperor Menelik II. Emperor Haileselassie ordered the reconstruction of the church to take its present architectural style and laid the cathedral's corner stone in 1931.
It was inaugurated in 1943. This massive and ornate cathedral is believed to be the second most important place of worship in Ethiopia, ranking behind only the old church of St. Marry of Zion in Axum. The exterior is adorned with statues of saints and angels which is not common in Ethiopian church tradition, large copper dome, spindly pinnacles and flamboyant mixture of international styles provides an interesting glance (sight) into many historical episodes of Ethiopia`s history. A beautiful crystal chandelier, many notable paintings, murals and attractive stained glass windows adorn the interior. Its painting was done by famous Ethiopian artists and a Greek called Germinis. It has served as a cementry for members of the Imperial family (Emperor Haileselassie and his consort Empress Menen Asfaw) and military dignataries or Patriots, including a mausoleum for those who died fighting the Italian invasion. West of the cathedral is the tomb of famous British women, Sylvia Pankrust. She was one of the very few people outside Ethiopia who protested againt Italy`s occupation; she moved to Addis Ababa in 1956. To the south of the cathedral is the memorial and graves of the ministers killers by Derg. It has Eclectic European-like style. The Church is located at Arat Kilo in the vicinity of the parliament building.